简介:世界摔跤娱乐主要以职业摔跤为主,以戏剧式的风格进行摔跤竞赛,为目前世界最大的职业摔跤企业.前身为世界摔跤联盟 (World Wrestling Federation),更早之前是世界广泛摔跤联盟 (World Wide Wrestling Federation).目前世界摔跤娱乐旗下拥有三个职业摔跤节目-Raw,SmackDown,Tough Enough,NXT,Superstars.
主演:邹兆龙 林正英 曾志伟 Lung Chan 冯淬帆
简介:广东省中山县的一方富豪葛大富和损友王八见面就吵架,他们的吵闹基因不仅影响到各自经营的武馆精武社和武圣堂,也遗传给了他们的儿子葛长寿(曾志伟 饰)和王明星(倪星 饰)。长寿、阿星同时喜欢青梅竹马的女孩秀秀(黄秀玲 饰),阿星仪表堂堂,与秀秀互生爱慕,反之长寿则形容猥琐,骄横散漫,丝毫不得秀秀的喜爱...
主演:刘珠熙 金东铉 申哲镇 Dong-hyeon Kim 刘浩琳 Kim Dong Hyeon
主演:塔拉·斯特朗 AshleighBall 安德烈·利布曼 TabithaSt.Germain AndreaLibman CathyWeseluck NicoleOliver TaraStrong
导演:Jim Miller
简介:While still trying to adjust to her new role as the Princess of Friendship, Twilight and friends follow a map to a village where the inhabitants mysteriously have no talents and are equal in every way.
主演:Kristin Leigh Aaron Ginn-forsberg Josh Bingenheimer
导演:Daniel Alexander
简介:Three young adults meet a charismatic stranger at closing time of the bar where they work. They accept an invitation to join a late night gathering he is attending with some friends in a secluded desert house. At first charmed by their interesting hosts, a violent encounter changes the tone of their evening, and the group begins to realize that all may not be as it seems with their new acquaintances. Faced now with a decision to either ...
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