主演:布鲁斯·威利斯 杰瑞米·艾恩斯 塞缪尔·杰克逊 格雷厄姆·格林 考林·加普 拉里·布里格曼 Anthony Peck Nicholas Wyman 萨姆·菲利普斯 凯文·张伯伦 莎珑·华盛顿 斯蒂芬·皮尔曼 Michael Alexander Jackson 阿尔迪斯·霍吉 Mischa Hausserman 艾德文·霍德吉 Tony Halme 肯特·法尔考 Birdie M. Hale 达里尔·爱德华兹 阿西夫·曼德维 William Kux 迈克尔·克里斯托弗 Todd A. Langenfeld
简介:西蒙(杰里米•艾恩斯 饰)是个头脑慎密,心狠手毒的恐怖分子。为了实现一场惊天大阴谋,他先是制造了一起爆炸案。在警方紧张破案之际,他又给警长约翰•麦卡伦(布鲁斯•威利斯 饰)打电话,声称警方必须听从他的一系列指令,否则他将继续在全市搞爆炸活动。 在杂货店老板宙斯(塞缪尔•杰克逊 饰)的帮助下,麦卡伦完成了西蒙的一系列指令,多次死里逃生。然而意犹未尽的西蒙,命令麦克莱恩去拆除街心花园的炸弹,又宣称在纽约市一所小学校内安放了炸弹。警方和市政官员几乎全部出动,去各小学疏散学生,搜寻炸弹。 麦卡伦逐渐对西蒙一个又一个的指令产生疑虑,他终于发现西蒙调动全市警力背后的真相…
主演:Markiss McFadden Paul Sorvino Mischa Barton
导演:Moziko Wind
简介: 影片讲述了一个杀手向神父忏悔的故事。当他向神父讲述了自己的过错,神父并没有责怪他,并且向他讲述了一个发生在两个男人之间的故事。这是一个有关骄傲导致自大和背叛的故事,故事的主角叫做亚伯拉罕和艾萨克,这两个人原本是朋友,且各自经营着餐馆的生意,亚伯拉罕的餐馆十分好,并且受到当地人的喜爱,它很有人情味,而艾萨克拥有三间餐馆,他们彼此同意,成为生意上的合作伙伴,而艾萨克却在合同上动了手脚,坑了亚伯拉罕,最终亚伯拉罕只能以低价将餐馆拱手相让,走投无路之时,亚伯拉罕只好向上帝求助……
主演:Mischa Barton Billy Zane Jonathan Bennett 米格尔·伊格莱西亚斯
导演:Laura Zoe Quist
简介:Jack, an Alaskan ex patriot, returns to his Fairbanks home following the death of his wife. He is full of anger, guilt and depression. His reclusive lifestyle is challenged when he meets a graduate student who is investigating the affects of the mining operations on a local water source. The film was shot on location in Fairbanks. The cinematography is beautiful and genuine. There is nothing fake or stereotypical about the portrayal of the subarctic summer and lifestyle. Filmed during in mid-June during the longest day of the year, the cinematographer and the director make excellent use of the midnight sun and the seasonal beauty unique to this part of the world. For this Fairbanksan, it was refreshing to see a film where Interior Alaska is portrayed with such integrity. Daniel Ponickly, who stars as Jack delivers a good performance as the widower who is lost in his grief. Ponickly also wrote the screenplay. This is the second full length feature film for director Zoe Quist. Her first film, Raw Cut, a thriller was also filmed in a panoramic environment -Dubois, WY- she made excellent use of the natural beauty of the environment. Through these two different stories, Quist proved her directing talent and ability. Newcomer Carrie Baker, and veteran Mischa Barton give very good performances. I would have liked to see more of Barton. Syd Wilder, is very convincing as the waitress with a heart of gold and a body for sin as are very convincing in their bad boy roles Jonathan Bennett and Levi Ben-Israel. Billy Zane is well cast as a UAF School of Geophysics professor, Toly Ramirez wrote the score for Mining for Ruby, as he did the haunting music for Raw Cut. The length of the film is 95 minutes and this writer found them to be a very enjoyable way to rediscover his home town.
主演:Mischa Barton Stephen Tobolowsky Austin St. John
导演:Jason Murphy
简介:Alex decides to end his kid brother's nightmares by forming a task force to take www.leshikan.com care of imaginary monsters. When their business becomes a hit, nothing can go wrong...until one of the monsters turns out to be real, and really big.
主演:阿诺·施瓦辛格 James Wilks Patrik Baboumian Dotsie Bausch Tia Blanco Nimai Delgado Rip Esselstyn Kendrick Farris Mischa Janiec Bryant Jennings Scott Jurek Damien Mander Morgan Mitchell Lucious Smith Griff Whalen
简介:格斗好手、健身达人James Wilks走遍各地,揭秘他们称之为“全世界最危险的神话”:肉类对营养、力量和理想健康状况来说必不可少——真的如此吗?也对素食主义进行了揭秘。施瓦辛格、“世界上最强壮的男人”Patrik Baboumian等顶级运动员、健身界名人也出镜讲述体验。
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